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City of Salo invites to integration programme workshops

Released 18.9.2024 07:53

The development of the new integration program for the city of Salo will continue in co-creation workshops. Workshops with the same content, primarily aimed at immigrants, will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, as follows:

  • 10-11.30 am at Waltti, meeting room Kipinä (Salorankatu 5-7)
  • 4.30-6 pm at the city hall, cabinet Tuomi (Tehdaskatu 2)

– The city of Salo wants to hear the opinions of immigrants. It is of primary importance that we can build and develop an initial service package and integration services, says immigration coordinator Marina Mgvdeladze.

The workshops will address topics such as organizing multilingual societal orientation, guidance and counseling services, and comprehensive integration program. Multiple languages will be spoken in the workshops: English, Ukrainian, Russian, German, Farsi, Dari, Pashto, and Japanese. Interpreters will be used if necessary.

– Immigrants have not been involved in the making and updating of the integration program before. I expect the workshops to bring fruitful discussions and new initiatives, Mgvdeladze continues.

The integration program is regulated by law

Starting from January 1, 2025, municipalities have overall responsibility for promoting integration.

The integration program is a service package for the initial stage of integration. A corresponding package like the new integration program has not been included in the integration law before. The municipality must prepare a document describing the services, responsible parties, and cooperation with other actors related to the service package for the initial stage of integration.

Various actors will participate in the development of the new integration program, such as the municipalities of Somero, Marttila, and Koski Tl in the future employment area, different departments of the city, and a working group of authorities. The Salo Immigration Council has actively participated in the planning work of the integration program. The Immigration Council will have its own workshop on October 22, 2024.


Contact information:
Immigration Coordinator
Marina Mgvdeladze
050 433 5106